Eves, Jessica » Home


Welcome to the exciting world of second grade! This is an important academic year for your child as he/she will be developing their independent and collaborative learning skills that will help them be successful in all academic areas. I place a high priority on establishing a welcoming and safe learning environment in the classroom in order to build a supportive classroom community. My goal as a teacher is to help your child become a responsible young adult and learn how to make good choices by teaching them self-discipline. I also teach my students how to work with their classmates and how to effectively deal with conflict when it arises. I also believe its important to guide students to become internally motivated to do well in school, to help foster a positive attitude towards learning, rather than relying on external rewards to motivate their desire to do well.
I went to the University of California for my Bachelor’s Degree and then to San Diego State University for my Master’s Degree and Teaching Credential. This year our focus in 2nd grade is encouraging and inspiring students to be "College Bound!" We are hoping to take some field trips to our local Universities to foster this desire to go to college.
This is my 18th year of teaching.  I love teaching 2nd graders as they are so full of curiosity and love to learn. I look forward to this year of learning and growing.
Check out my Google Site for more information on my class this year. 
Focus Quote of the Year
"The more that you read,
the more things you'll know.
The more that you learn,
the more places you'll go."
~ Dr. Seuss
College Path
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade = Rose School Elementary
3rd - 5th Grade = Valley Center Elementary
6th - 8th Grade = Valley Center Middle School
9th -12th Grade = Orange Glen HIgh School
Bachelor's Degree in Urban Studies and Planning with a Minor in Environmental Studies
Multiple Subject Teaching Credential with CLAD
Master Degree in Curriculum and Instruction


How to Help Your Child at Home with Reading

I have copied to pages from a help blog called ImagineSoup about two important topics about reading. 

1. How to help your child find a Just Right Book



2. Word Attack Skills other than "Sound it Out"

I hope these help. I also will be discussing both of these important topics at Back to School Night.

Thanks for your support.

Miss Mayes